Edmonton family’s experience with cannabis-induced psychosis. The family, who chose to remain anonymous for privacy reasons, shared their teenage son’s struggle with this condition. The father, referred to as “Mike,” discussed the unexpected and severe changes in his son’s behavior following cannabis use, which included grandiosity and a lack of sleep, eventually spiraling into psychosis12.

Mike emphasized the lack of awareness about the potency levels of THC products now available on the market, particularly since the legalization of cannabis. He pointed out that products like shatter, distillate pens, and dabs have THC concentrations that are significantly higher than traditional cannabis flower buds2.

This case highlights the importance of education on the potential risks associated with high-potency cannabis products and the need for more research and understanding of cannabis-induced psychosis. Mike’s story serves as a cautionary tale for parents and individuals about the possible mental health implications of using these potent forms of THC2.


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